What If I Started A Business?

The problem is that most people are unwilling to experience the emotions and fears that are necessary if they are to open up to the highest levels of communication and oneness. And, if you decide to do it, how do you chart a safe and steady course through gluten-free's glittering …

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Hands-On Healing

I ran, blindly, crying and shouting at the dark, cloud-filled sky. Nobody has to share anything they don't want to share if it's theirs: toys, food, personal space, money, thoughts, time, clothes, and so on. But how could something so beautiful be made of exactly the same substance as charcoal …

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The Accession Approach

In the end, I place second out of thirty-four of the greatest multiday runners in the world, and I set a new modern-day American record of 488 miles over six days. This is particularly true for people who have additional medical problems or who are on different types of medication …

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Talking To Your Body

Unfortunately, when it comes to information, the popular health industry is almost as unreliable as the federal government. Those who suffer from such infirmities must set up a different train of suggestions by saying things like, "I'm not nervous, I'm well and full of confidence, all is going well..." Likewise …

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It's Been One Darn Thing After Another

It juts out from the shoreline, separating the calm, peaceful water close to shore from the turbulent active water in the distant sea. Until baby Katrina's death, we'd enjoyed what most people would probably casually observe as an enviable life: happily married parents, four ambitious and achieving daughters and a …

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Awareness Makes Acknowledging Possible

During the Nazi occupation of Europe, a substantial number of non-Jewish individuals protected Jews whom the Nazis would have killed outright or sent to concentration camps. Feeling physiologically in crisis (from excess cortisol and adrenaline), crisis-prone people have a tendency to create crises around them to make sense of how …

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